Our Strategy Summary
(a) Focused efforts on ongoing translations
(b) Enhanced use of Scriptures by Children and Youth
(c) Sustained availability of Scripture for Adults
(d) Increased availability of Scriptures for Special Audiences
(e) Enhanced mission work by encouraging Scripture engagement
(f) Continued Institutional Strengthening of the Society.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”3/4″ css=”.vc_custom_1544023504359{margin-top: 20px !important;}”][vc_column_text]
Our Full Strategy Information
(a) Focused Efforts on On-going Translations
The long-term goal of the Bible Society of Tanzania is to provide scripture in local languages spoken in Tanzania, so that people can interact with scripture in languages they understand best. It is the aim of the Society to enhance translation work in specific language projects and to ensure high quality translations and production putting into consideration good timing, effectiveness and cost efficiency.
(b) Enhanced Use of Scripture by Children and Youth
It is estimated that over 70% of the Tanzanian population are children and youth. The majority of children and youth in Tanzania have limited access to Scripture in any form. BST therefore seeks to enable the children and youth have access to Scripture in formats that will encourage meaningful engagement. In order to achieve this, the Society will produce an English/Swahili Diglot to accommodate Kiswahili speakers (Kiswahili is the language which is used most in Tanzania). The Society will also respond to unemployed, the majority of whom are youths by providing appropriate Scriptures and Selections, and also provide them with opportunity for Scripture listening through FCBH.
(c) Sustained Availability of Scripture for Adults
BST continues to be the main provider of Scriptures to adult audiences in Tanzania. The Scriptures are provided in formats suitable for personal use as well as for use in church. The population increase in Tanzania, growth of churches, and increased use of Bibles by members of the Catholic Church has led to increased demand for Bibles. The demographic changes in Tanzania have also brought with them new sets of demands that cannot be met through the traditional “black Bible”. BST therefore seeks to be market responsive by making available Bibles that respond to various needs as they emerge.
(d) Increased Availability of Scripture for Special Audiences
The Society will continue its efforts to provide Scripture for special audiences that include people affected and infected with HIV and AIDS; people with disability (such as visually impaired persons, deaf and dumb persons); people who cannot read; non-Christian audiences that include TAZI audience, animists and people of other religions; and other special groups such as people under pressure, commercial sex workers, alcoholics and drug addicts, prisoners and refugees; and people who are considered outcasts by their communities such as people with albinism.
(e) Continued Institutional Strengthening of the Society
The Society is cognisant of the need to maintain, strong governance and leadership, sound and effective management (including policies and systems) to support programmes and activities including translation, production and distribution of Scripture; develop and maintain skilled, competent and committed staff.