by The Bible Society of Tanzania | Jun 22, 2022
Scriptures for prisoners in Tanzania
Scriptures for Prisoners in Tanzania is the Project addresses the need of prisoners to find that hope through faith in Christ.
The Bible Society is distributing Bibles and other books in the prisons in cooperation with pastors and priests working in the all prisons in Tanzania.
The BS staff was encouraged as it took part in worship services in some prisons, and had the opportunity to talk to people who had come to salvation during their time of detention.
We could see the hunger for the Word of God in such places. In this way many Bibles, New Testaments and books with stories from the Bible will be distributed in the prisons.
Key Verse
Isaiah 42:6-7: I, the Lord, have called you and given you power to see that justice is done on earth. You will open the eyes of the blind and set free those who sit in dark prisons.
Prayer points
Pray for the work amongst imprisoned people – that they may find piece with God by reading the Scriptures.
People who are institutionalized in the country’s prisons need to find hope and forgiveness offered by the Gospel.
Distribution of Scriptures to prisons.
Project goal’s relationship to overall bible society strategy
А vital part of the strategic plan of the Bible Society is to reach prisoners with the Bible message about salvation, hope and forgiveness.
How this project will help the beneficiaries
Providing New Testament and appropriate other Scripture will help the priests and pastors working amongst prisoners in their ministry and will enable the imprisoned people being reached by the message of the Gospel.
An observation of a psychologist working in one of the prisons is quite significant: “How is it possible! I cannot hold their attention for more than 10 minutes when we have therapy sessions with them, and you manage to get them just listen to you and singing songs for more than one hour! And reading! Some of them were so eager to read the Bibles & New Testaments given to them that actually learned to read. The came almost illiterate here. We have libraries with other books, but the Bible is considered as a different and a very special book.”
Distribution of Scriptures to prisons.
16 Hatibu / 9th Road, Madukani Area.
P.O BOX 175, Dodoma -Tanzania.
by The Bible Society of Tanzania | Jun 15, 2022
Literacy for women in Africa – BS Tanzania (Kagulu language).
The Literacy for Women is the programme focusses on building capacity in literacy for the Bible Society of Tanzania.
Kagulu language have been chosen and the audience is primarily non-literate women of child-bearing age, with the secondary audience girls, who are non-school attenders or drop-outs.
The programme is implementing in Morogoro Region.
Key Verse
Proverbs 3:13 “Blessed are those who find wisdom, those who gain understanding.”
Prayer points
1.Pray for the funding partners.
2. Pray for the life of graduates to be transformed.
3.Pray for the local church partners the implementation of the literacy classes at the grass-root level.
3. Pray for the SIL International consultants as they continue to mentor the staff and guide the training workshops.
4.Pray for the BST and the project team.
The estimated total effect of the programme is to empower 5000 women and child bearing girls by equipping them with basic literacy knowledge by the end of 2025.
To provide non-formal education to 5000 women and girls who are speakers of Kagulu language.
The programme will train literacy facilitators for the Kagulu languages. Also literacy supervisor for the selected language will be trained.
National literacy coordinators for the Bible Society permanent staff will be engaged and mentored.
The Bible Society of Tanzania will be the focus of the capacity building aspect of the programme. The aim is to provide the Bible Society with the necessary skills and expertise that are required to implement comprehensive literacy projects for Kagulu minority language
How this project will help the beneficiaries
Project Languages
Kagulu language.
The basic approach of this programme is to address the basic rights of women and girls who for various reasons have been denied access to education. Becoming functionally literate is considered as the key to providing these women and girls with the means to improve their lives by specifically giving them a voice in their communities, improving their health and enhancing their self-esteem as they take pride in their own cultural and linguistic heritage. Learning to read in their mother tongue will also make the Scriptures available to them for the first time. The language chosen has had either a New Testament or Bible recently published or it is nearing publication.
Beneficiary focus
Kagulu language have been chosen and the primary audience is adult women and young child bearing age girls who have dropped out of school or have never been into school.
Increased number of women are able to read in their mother tongue to Basic User level.
16 Hatibu / 9th Road, Madukani Area.
P.O BOX 175, Dodoma -Tanzania.
by The Bible Society of Tanzania | Jun 15, 2022
Healing the Wounds of Trauma through Audio program, healing sessions for Nyarugusu refugees camp, and the refugee affected community in Tanzania.
The Trauma Healing project aims at healing the wounded hearts of people so that they can forgive and meaningfully engage with the word of God.
In daily life, people experience trauma for various reasons such as abuse of rights, domestic violence, stigmatization, discrimination, and other socio-cultural practices that cause torture and unrest. These emotional feelings of insecurity to the victim cause life suffering.
The Society’s experience is that; trauma is the most common problem that is affecting a significant number of people in communities. It is for this reason that the Bible Society is seeking funds that will be used to implement this project, in Nyarugusu refugee camp in Kigoma region, where the intensity of trauma seems to be high.
It is desired that after four years span of the project there will be a vivid impact of behavioral change in terms of reduced Gender-Based Violence (GBV) and abuse of human rights, that there will be communities with God-fearing people.
Key Verse
- Matthew 11:28 Come unto me and ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest
Prayer points
- Pray that funds are available so that many people with trauma can be reached.
- Pray for the traumatized people.
- Pray for proper implementation of this project and that the required impact is achieved.
- Pray for the Gospel Bible Teaching Ministry (GBT), Radio Kwizera (RK), and Here Is Life/E2E to be committed to the project as partners.
This project is in line with both the Philadelphia promise and the Bible Society of Tanzania strategic plan (2018-2022)
The use of Scripture materials (incl. Bibles and Audio listening) in the healing process will equip the local church with knowledge about trauma and trauma healing so that these mental health resources be used in the healing process in more groups. Also, the use of these Scripture materials will help enhance the beneficiaries’ experience of the life-changing message of the Bible and therefore promote attendance and church growth.
How this project will help the beneficiaries
Generally, persons with trauma are human beings created in the image of God and they deserve a good life like any other human being. They also need fulfillment of basic needs such as shelter, food, clothing, and such other needs like love and affection. Through the project, the beneficiaries will be helped to overcome the trauma of which they lived. During the healing process, they will gain knowledge about trauma and ways to overcome it; and in the long run, the communities will be transformed and live in harmony without discrimination of any form, condemnation of any kind.
Children and Vulnerable Adults
Children are one of the beneficiaries of the project as they are refugees as well and therefore exposed to the causes of trauma.
Adults at risk like children are also beneficiaries of the project because they are refugees and therefore exposed to the causes of trauma as well.
Dealing with traumatized persons is dealing with vulnerable persons
Empowering them with knowledge on how to overcome trauma is one of the ways of safeguarding them. Also by calling upon all stakeholders particularly governments of countries of origin to settle existing disputes in their countries so that there is peace and tranquility to allow return home for their kinsmen who are living in Tanzania as refugees.
The audience’s need in this project is healing the wounds of trauma that are existent in the hearts of beneficiaries as well as prevention of physical and psychological trauma that is experienced by refugees like loneliness, isolation, abuse of rights, loss of their loved ones, properties, and other valuables.
16 Hatibu / 9th Road, Madukani Area.
P.O BOX 175, Dodoma -Tanzania.