Kimachame Bible Translation and Publishing

Project Summary

Scripture & Prayer

The translation project for Kimachame Bible started in January 1991 and was expected to end in December; 2013.The completion date has been revised to 2022 due to reasons beyond our control including inadequate funding. The New Testament was completed, Published and officially launched in November 2000; the project is in the stage of Publishing and typesetting the Kimachame Bible.

Key Verse

Mathew 28:16-20

Prayer points

  • Pray for availability of funds
  • Pray for translators as they continue with translation of the Old Testament.
  • Pray for the Translation consultant as he continue checking books online especially during this time with the COVID 19 Pandemic.
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Project Goal & Updates

It is desired that in 2022 the following activities will be carried out:-

Printing 5,000 copies
Shipping and customs clearing 5,000 copies
Launching 5,000 copies of Machame Bible.
Traditionally the Kimachame community is marred by evil practices such as witchcraft, alcoholism, polygamy and idolatry. Kimachame people have longed to have the Bible in their mother tongue for many years. This continuing translation is a blessing to this community. It is expected that, availability of the Bible in kimachame language will have a positive effect on church growth and deepening of personal faith that will lead to changed behavior in the community-minimizing the bad practices. . Having the Bible in their language will not only enable them to understand the Bible better, but it will also help preserve their language and cultural heritage. It is targeted that a total of 250,000 people will benefit from this project. Our partners in this project are Lutheran, Anglican, Roman Catholic and Pentecostal churches in the project area.

About Partners:-

The Bible Society has learnt that, Church involvement in the Bible cause brings great success to Bible translation work. We received a joint request from these churches who needed the Bible in their language. According to UBS regulation on translation we found that they met all requirements.

IMG 2415 scaled
Their population is more than 250,000 people
They have never had a Bible in their language.
This project is in line with Philadelphia promise on Bible Translation (Focus on audiences) and Strengthening Church relations (Share ownership of our mission)and the Bible Society of Tanzania Strategic Plan (2018 – 2022).


16 Hatibu / 9th Road, Madukani Area.
P.O BOX 175, Dodoma -Tanzania.


+255 (0) 765 530 892


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