Project Summary
The translation project for Kiha Bible started in January 2004 and was expected to end in December; 2016.The completion date has been revised to 2020 due to reasons beyond our control including inadequate funding. The New Testament was completed, It is now in the process of publishing and printing; translation of the Old Testament is still in progress, with some of the books translated and checked by our Translation Consultant. This is the first Bible translation for Kiha speakers. In 2020 we plan to continue with drafting, Team checking, Community review, Computer Assisted Publisher (CAP) checks and Translation Consultant’s (TC’s) checks.
It is desired that in 2020 the following activities will be carried out:-
- Drafting the remaining books
- Para-text training for translators
- Continue with team review
- Continue with Community review.
- Computer Assisted Publisher (CAP) checks
- Translation Manager/CAP follow up and monitoring
- Translation Consultant checks all remaining books
Traditionally the Kiha community is marred by evil practices such as witchcraft, alcoholism, polygamy and idolatry. Kiha people have longed to have the Bible in their mother tongue for many years. This continuing translation is a blessing to this community. It is expected that, availability of the Bible in Kiha language will have a positive effect on church growth and deepening of personal faith that will lead to changed behavior in the community-minimizing the bad practices. . Having the Bible in their language will not only enable them to understand the Bible better, but it will also help preserve their language and cultural heritage.It is targeted that a total of 1,958,000 people will benefit from this project.
Our partners in this project are Anglican, Roman Catholics and Pentecostal churches in the project area. The Bible Society has learnt that, Church involvement in the Bible cause brings great success to Bible translation work.
This project in line with Philadelphia promise and the Bible Society of Tanzania Strategic Plan (2018 – 2022)
The translation project for Kiha Bible started in January 2004 and was expected to end in December; 2016.The completion date has been revised to 2020 due to reasons beyond our control including inadequate funding. The New Testament was completed, It is now in the process of publishing and printing; translation of the Old Testament is still in progress, with some of the books translated and checked by our Translation Consultant.
This is the first Bible translation for Kiha speakers. In 2019 we plan to continue with translation, harmonization, review, Computer Assisted Publisher (CAP) checks and Translation Consultant’s (TC’s) checks.
It is desired that in 2019 the following activities will be carried out:-
- Continue translating the books of Ezekiel, Jeremiah, Proverb, Lamentation, and Psalms.
- Harmonization of the books of Ezekiel, Jeremiah, Proverb, Lamentation, and Psalms.
- Reviewing the translated books of Ezekiel, Jeremiah, Proverb, Lamentation, and Psalms.
- CAP checks of the books of Ezekiel, Jeremiah,Isaiah, Proverb, Song of Songs, Lamentation, and Psalms.
- Translation Consultant checks of Leviticus,Numbers, Deuteronomy, Judges, 1 Samuel,2 Samuel,1 Kings, 2 Kings, 1 Chronicles 2 Chronicles,Ezra,Nehemiah,Ester Job,Psalms,Proverb, Ecclesiastes,Song of Songs, Isaiah, Jeremiah,Lamentation,Ezekiel,Daniel,Hosea,Joel,Amos, Obadiah, Micah, Nahum ,Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah and Malachi
- Publishing and printing the book of Leviticus as a Portion
- Publishing,Printing and Launching of the New Testament
- Para-text training for translators
- CAP follow up and monitoring
Traditionally the Kiha community is marred by evil practices such as witchcraft, alcoholism, polygamy and idolatry. Kiha people have longed to have the Bible in their mother tongue for many years. This continuing translation is a blessing to this community. It is expected that, availability of the Bible in Kiha language will have a positive effect on church growth and deepening of personal faith that will lead to changed behavior in the community-minimizing the bad practices. . Having the Bible in their language will not only enable them to understand the Bible better, but it will also help preserve their language and cultural heritage.
It is targeted that a total of 250,000 people will benefit from this project.
Our partners in this project are Anglican, Roman Catholics and Pentecostal churches in the project area. The Bible Society has learnt that, Church involvement in the Bible cause brings great success to Bible translation work.
This project in line with Philadelphia promise and the Bible Society of Tanzania Strategic Plan (2018 – 2022)
Reason for Ranking
The community need makes us to rank the project as it is.
Other Resources Wanted
- Translation Consultant.
- The Bible Society of Tanzania does not have its own Translation Consultant.It depends on hired Consultants for checking the translated and harmonized books.
Project Goal
To translate the Bible in Kiha language for mission work among Kiha speakers
Project goal’s relationship to overall bible society strategy
To translate the Bible in Kiha language for mission work among Kiha speakers. This is in line with the Bible Society’s
Strategic objectives that emphasizes the Society’s responsibility of facilitating translation of the Bible into languages without Bible, publish, and print the same – making it available to the community as the Word of God helping them to grow both in faith and spiritually
Strategic Fit
Connecting your project to your Bible Society’s overall mission strategy
How does your project relate to the Philadelphia Promise?
Our project is in line with the Philadelphia promise – making the Bible available to those without Bibles by translating, publishing, printing, Bible Engagement, and Advocacy.
About the beneficiaries
How did you arrive at your beneficiary impact number?
This is according to the Tanzanian statistics and Joshua Project statistics.
Beneficiary focus
Ha tribe or Waha in Swahili are people who live in Kigoma Region on the Eastern side of lake Tanganyika. The estimated number of the Ha is 1,958,000 ( The language is known as Kiha in Swahili and Ha language in English. At least 25% (but probably more) of the Kiha population are Christians. A few, however, are Muslim or adhere to the traditional religion, especially those in remote areas.
The beneficiaries will include all age groups.
How have the needs and perspective of the beneficiaries helped shape the design of the project?
-The Kiha language speakers do not have any reading material in their language. However, studies have shown that they predominantly communicate in their own language and having Bible in their language will be a great forum for them to have an encounter with the word of God.
-The Church in the language area requested the Bible Society to provide them with Bible in their language. That request necessitated translation of the Bible in this language to meet the Scripture needs of this tribe.
National Context
Kiha language is spoken by Ha tribe that is situated in the North-East part of Kigoma in western part of Tanzania, by around 1,958,000 people. This project is in progress and the language speakers are anxiously waiting for it. The Kiha speakers communicate mostly in their language, as many people do not speak Swahili. The project aims at translating the entire Bible, including the Deuteron-Canonical books into this language. Having the Scriptures in their language will not only enable them to understand the Bible better, but it will also serve to preserve their language and their cultural heritage
The Ha community is fond of speaking their vernacular and are enthusiastic about having the Word of God in their heart language for better understanding, rather than other languages that they don’t understand properly.
How this project will help the beneficiaries
The Ha community likes speaking their vernacular and are enthusiastic about having the Word of God in their heart language for better understanding rather than other languages that they don’t understand properly.
Scripture & Prayer
Key Verse
Matthew 28:19-20; “Go then to all people everywhere and make them my disciples, baptize them in the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit”
Prayer points
1. Pray for availability of funds for publication of the completed translation of the New Testament in Kiha language.
2.Pray for translators as they continue with translation of the Old Testament.
Project Activities
Project activities
It is desired that in 2020 the following activities will be carried out:-
- Drafting the remaining books
- Para-text training for translators
- Continue with team review
- Continue with Community review.
- Computer Assisted Publisher (CAP) checks
- Translation Manager/CAP follow up and monitoring
- Publishing and printing the book of Jonah as a portion
- Translation Consultant checks all remaining books
It is desired that in 2019 the following activities will be carried out:-
- Continue translating the books of Ezekiel, Jeremiah,Proverb, Lamentation, and Psalms.
- Harmonization of the books of Ezekiel, Jeremiah, Proverb, Lamentation, and Psalms.
- Reviewing the translated books of Ezekiel, Jeremiah, Proverb, Lamentation, and Psalms.
- CAP checks of the books of Ezekiel, Jeremiah,Isaiah, Proverb, Song of Songs, Lamentation, and Psalms.
- Translation Consultant checks of Leviticus,Numbers, Deuteronomy, Judges, 1 Samuel,2Samuel,1Kings, 2Kings, 1Chronicles 2Chronicles,Ezra,Nehemiah,Ester Job,Psams,Proverb, Eclessiastes,Song of Songs, Isaiah, Jeremiah,Lamentation,Ezekiel,Daniel,Hosea,Joel,Amos,Obadiah,Micah,Nahum,Habbakuk,Zephaniah,Haggai,Zechariah and Malachi
- Publishing and printing the book of Proverbs as a Portion
- Para-text training for translators
- CAP follow up and monitoring.
Project partners
The Church
Provides the Translators and Reviewers
Monitors translation work on a day to day basis.
Encourages and motivates translators in doing quality job
Provide office space for translation work
The Bible Society of Tanzania:
Pays monthly honorarium to translators
Trains translators on different translation programs like Para-text, computer use
Trains Reviewers to facilitate review sessions to ensure good quality translation
Provides equipment like computers, printers and utilities like stationery
The United Bible Societies Africa Area Service Center:
Provides translation Consultant
Provides training for new translators
Provides training on new translation programs
Resourcing the Project
Non-financial Resources
Training of Para-text and translation principles to translators.
Financial notes
Staff cost:
– Honoraria for Rev. Ahab $375 @12 $4,500
– Honoraria for Rev. Ntakije $375 @ 12 $4,500
Scriptures cost:
– Printing 3,000 copies of the book of Genesis as Portion @$1.5 = $3,000
– Printing 3,000 copies of Kiha New Testament @ $2.50 = $7,500
– Launching of Kiha New Testament $3,000
Review sessions : 3@$1,400 = $4,200
TC checks: 3 @ $1,000 =$3,000
Travel costs:
Translators $3,000
Translation Manager $500
Indirect costs: $2,500
Staff cost: $9,000
Scriptures cost: $3,000
Review sessions (4): $4,000
TC checks: $3,000
Travel costs: Translators + Translation Manager: $3,500
Indirect costs: $2,500
Outputs & Impacts
Outputs from the project
- Publishing and printing 3000 copies of the book of Proverbs as Portion.
- Publishing and printing of 5,000 copies the Kiha New Testament.
- Drafting, Team review and Community Review the books of Isaiah and Psalms
- Translation Consultant to check the books of Deuteronomy,1 Kings, 2 Kings, 1 Chronicles, 2 Chronicles, Ezra,Nehemia, Ester, Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Songs, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lamentations, Ezekiel and Daniel.
Publishing and printing 3000 copies of the book of Proverbs as Portion.
Publishing and printing of 5,000 copies the Kiha New Testament.
Translation and harmonization and Review the books of Ezekiel, Jeremiah, Proverb, Lamentation, and Psalms.
Impact 1
As a short term impact the New Testament to be printed and distributed will add knowledge about the Bible to the target audience and also test the quality of the translated work.
Having the Bible available in the local vernacular is known to have a very positive effect on church growth and the deepening of personal faith.
The New Testament will touch the people and help them to grow
in their spiritual life and make them look forward to the
completion of the full Bible
Tracking unexpected outcomes
– By hand to hand followup we will identify and record unexpected outcomes
– Visit the community in their locality and record such outcomes
Supporting Information
Supporting Documents & Multimedia Assets
Portion of Luke in Kiha was launched in 2015 in a very colourful ceremony which was attended and cheered by thousands of Kiha speakers. The enthusiasm shown at the event was amazing.
– Mr. John Mufumya is among those touched by the Portion of Luke; and says the following:
“ Before the I received the Gospel of Luke in my heart language I was a lazy to reader of the Bible. But when I got the Portion written in my language, I developed much interest in reading it. And from reading it I came across the word which changed my life. From reading the Portion of Luke I came to know that Jesus called those who had heavy loads to surrender their loads to Him. I knew I had many heavy loads such as smoking, drunkenness, fighting at home. Then I decided to give my life to Jesus who changed my life completely. I am no longer drinking alcohol, no smoking, or fighting at home”
Leadership track record
The project has a good leadership record that has made it possible to complete the New Testament with good quality, and has good progress on the Old Testament translation.
External references
Bishop Nkone of the Pentecost Church has this to say: “I am happy with the pace of translation and way the project is managed and I believe we shall soon have our Kiha Bible”
Best practices
This project was amply researched before it was started in 2004. As soon as the New Testament is ready more research will be necessary so that we can make sure that the published Scriptures reach the right people and are used where possible. It is also necessary to ensure that the translated Scriptures are understood