Project Summary
The translation project for Igikurya Bible started in January 1983 and was expected to end in December; 2014.The completion date has been revised to 2020 due to reasons beyond our control including inadequate funding. The New Testament was completed, Published and officially launched in November 1996; and the translation of the Old Testament is still in progress, with some of the books translated and checked by our Translation Consultant.This is the first Bible translation for Igikurya speakers.
In 2019 we plan to continue with team review,Community review, Computer Assisted Publisher (CAP) checks and Translation Consultant’s (TC’s) checks.
It is desired that in 2020 the following activities will be carried out:-•
- Continue team checking and harmonization OT and NT books.
- CAP checks all books
- Translation Consultant will be checking all remaining old testament books
- Publishing and printing the book of Daniel as a portion
- Para-text training for translators
- CAP follow up and monitoring
- Proofreading the Igikuria Bible
- Typesetting, printing and publishing Kikaguru Bible
Traditionally the Igikurya community is marred by evil practices such as cattle rustling, gender violence witchcraft, alcoholism, polygamy and idolatry. Igikurya people have longed to have the Bible in their mother tongue for many years. This continuing translation is a blessing to this community. It is expected that, availability of the Bible in Igikurya language will have a positive effect on church growth and deepening of personal faith that will lead to changed behavior in the community-minimizing the bad practices. . Having the Bible in their language will not only enable them to understand the Bible better, but it will also help preserve their language and cultural heritage.
It is targeted that a total of 500,000 people will benefit from this project.
Our partners in this project are Lutheran, Anglican, Seventh day Adventist ,Mennonite Roman Catholic and Pentecostal churches in the project area. The Bible Society has learnt that, Church involvement in the Bible cause brings great success to Bible translation work.
This project in line with Philadelphia promise and the Bible Society of Tanzania Strategic Plan (2018 – 2022)
The translation project for Igikurya Bible started in January 1983 and was expected to end in December; 2014.The completion date has been revised to 2020 due to reasons beyond our control including inadequate funding. The New Testament was completed, Published and officially launched in November 1996; and the translation of the Old Testament is still in progress, with some of the books translated and checked by our Translation Consultant.
This is the first Bible translation for Igikurya speakers. In 2019 we plan to continue with translation, harmonization, review, Computer Assisted Publisher (CAP) checks and Translation Consultant’s (TC’s) checks.
It is desired that in 2019 the following activities will be carried out:-
• Continue translating the books of Proverb, Nehemiah, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Psalms and Deutero canonical books.
• Harmonization of the books of Proverb, Nehemiah, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Psalms and Deutero canonical books.
• Reviewing the translated books Proverb, Nehemiah, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Psalms and Deutero canonical books.
• CAP checks of the books of Proverb, Nehemiah, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Psalms and Detero canonical books.
• Translation Consultant checks of Proverb, Nehemiah and Jeremiah.
• Publishing and printing the book of Proverbs as a Portion
• Para-text training for translators
• CAP follow up and monitoring
Traditionally the Igikurya community is marred by evil practices such as cattle rustling, gender violence witchcraft, alcoholism, polygamy and idolatry. Igikurya people have longed to have the Bible in their mother tongue for many years. This continuing translation is a blessing to this community. It is expected that, availability of the Bible in Igikurya language will have a positive effect on church growth and deepening of personal faith that will lead to changed behavior in the community-minimizing the bad practices. . Having the Bible in their language will not only enable them to understand the Bible better, but it will also help preserve their language and cultural heritage.
It is targeted that a total of 500,000 people will benefit from this project.
Our partners in this project are Lutheran, Anglican, Seventh day Adventist ,Mennonite Roman Catholic and Pentecostal churches in the project area. The Bible Society has learnt that, Church involvement in the Bible cause brings great success to Bible translation work.
This project in line with Philadelphia promise and the Bible Society of Tanzania Strategic Plan (2018 – 2022)
Other Resources Wanted
Translation Consultant.
Project Goal
To make available the Bible available in the Igikuria language for faith and spiritual enhancement among the Igikuria language speakers.
Project goal’s relationship to overall bible society strategy
To translate the Bible in Igikuria language for mission work among igikuria speakers. This is in line with the Bible Society’s
Strategic objectives that emphasizes the Society’s responsibility of facilitating translation of the Bible into languages without Bible, publish, and print the same – making it available to the community as the Word of God helping them to grow both in faith and spiritually.
Strategic Fit
Connecting your project to your Bible Society’s overall mission strategy
How does your project relate to the Philadelphia Promise?
The Philadelphia Promise affirms the fellowship commitment to make the
Work of God available to all people in languages they prefer or understand better
through the process of translation, publishing, printing, distribution,
Bible engagement and advocacy. This translation project therefore, falls in
line with the Promise.
About the beneficiaries
How did you arrive at your beneficiary impact number?
This is according to Tanzanian Government statistics and Joshua Projects
Beneficiary focus
The target audience are all Christians and non-Christians who speak and read this language. The Bible is expected to be used for evangelism as well as for liturgy in all the Kuria churches. The exact number of Kuria Christians is not known but could be anywhere between 20 to 50 per cent of the Kuria population of a million or more in both Kenya and Tanzania.
How have the needs and perspective of the beneficiaries helped shape the design of the project?
Thorough research was done before Igikuria translation started. The Church
in the language area requested the Bible Society to facilitate the
translation and was ready to partner by providing translators, reviewers
and office space.
National Context
The Kuria people love their language and use it exclusively among themselves. They live on both sides of the Tanzania and Kenya border. Command of Swahili is generally poor among traditional Kuria people. There is therefore an urgent need for the Holy Scriptures in Igikuria for evangelistic and liturgical use. Anglican, Mennonite, Pentecostal and other churches are active in the Kuria area but do not have the Old Testament Scriptures in this language for use in their work. Hence the urgent need to make available the entire Bible in Igikuria. The New Testament was completed and published 1996 and since then the Church expressed the need for the entire Bible being translated in Igikurya.
The completion of the translation of the Bible can be improved or expedited if more funding was made to hire the translators on full time basis. Currently the translators are also given assignments by their Diocese. They must be attached to the church because what they are paid by the project is too little to sustain their living.
With the current pace of translation the work may not be completed according to schedule.
How this project will help the beneficiaries
The Bible is expected to help evangelism as well as churches growth. But also to change the Kuria behavior. Availability of the Word of God in Igikuria language will also impart Bible
knowledge to the language speakers that will help them to grow in faith
and spirituality – such knowledge will help them to ward off evil
practices like occult, idolatry, rampant suicide behavior and polygamy.
Scripture & Prayer
Key Verse
Colossians 1: 10-11
Prayer points
- Pray that translators and reviewers will continue to carry out their specific tasks with dedication and commitment, and that they will proceed at a satisfactory pace.
- Pray for support from the churches and for availability of all necessary resources
Project Activities
Project activities
It is desired that in 2020 the following activities will be carried out:-•
- Continue team checking and harmonization OT and NT books.
- CAP checks all books
- Translation Consultant will be checking all remaining old testament books
- Publishing and printing the book of Daniel as a portion
- Para-text training for translators
- CAP follow up and monitoring
- Proofreading the Igikuria Bible
- Typesetting, printing and publishing Kikaguru Bible
– It is desired that in 2019 the following activities will be carried out:-
• Continue translating the books of Proverb, Nehemiah, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Psalms and Deutero canonical books.
• Harmonization of the books of Proverb, Nehemiah, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Psalms and Deutero canonical books.
• Reviewing the translated books Proverb, Nehemiah, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Psalms and Deutero canonical books.
• CAP checks of the books of Proverb, Nehemiah, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Psalms and Detero canonical books.
• Translation Consultant checks of Proverb, Nehemiah and Jeremiah.
• Publishing and printing the book of Proverbs as a Portion
• Para-text training for translators
• CAP follow up and monitoring
Project partners
The Anglican, Mennonite, Pentecostal and others:
– The Church provides the Translators and Reviewers.
Monitor translation work on a day to day basis.
– Encourage and motivate translators in doing quality job
– Provide office for translation work
The Bible Society of Tanzania:
– pays monthly honoraria to translators
– Trains translators on different translation programmes like Para-text, computer use
– Reviewers to facilitate review sessions to ensure good quality translation
– Provides equipment like computers, printers and utilities like stationeries
The United Bible Societies Africa Area Service Centre:
– Provides translation Consultant
– Provides training for new translators
– Provide training on new translation programmes.
Resourcing the Project
Non-financial Resources
Translation Consultant
Financial notes
ISP Grant Funding Details: If the ISP Grant request for your proposal includes an application for special ISP funding (e.g. from the Fundraising Investment Fund) please enter the amount and type of special ISP funding here.
Staff cost $22,500
Scripture Portions publishing, printing and distribution – $4,000
Launching $ 4,000
Para-text training -$6,000
Review sessions $ 4,500
Travel expenses $4,000
TC checks $3,000
Outputs & Impacts
Outputs from the project
– Team checking and Read through of all books continues
-Review Continues for remaining books
– TC checks will continue
– 4 Project Visits
– 2 Para-text training
Publishing and printing the book of Igikuria Bible
– Printing the Igikuria 2020 Carender
Impact 1
Short term impact
- Increase in translation skills among translators
- A strong relationship between churches and Bible Society built
- Unity among Church denominations enhanced
- Increased enthusiasm and inquiries on the full Bible among the Igikuria speakers.
Long term impact
- Increased understanding of the Bible message.
- Increased denominational unity among churches.
- Increased skill and knowledge for translators
- Increased sell of Bibles.
- Igikuria speaker’s traditions and culture archived.
- Churches equipped with a tool of evangelism.
- Increased demand for Scriptures
- Reduced number of malpractices in the community such as: – Adultery, Early childhood marriages, polygamy, drunkenness, witchcraft, stealing, etc.
- Increased awareness about the Bible Society.
– Reduced suicide cases among the readers of the Bible.
– Reduced quarrels arising from witchcraft allegations
– Reduced levels of polygamy,women violence.
– Undertaking facts finding research – interviewing community members & leaders.
– Visit police records on crimes like women violence cases
Tracking unexpected outcomes
– By hand to hand followup we will identify and record unexpected outcomes
– Visit the community in their locality and record such outcomes
Supporting Information
Supporting Documents & Multimedia Assets
There was informal research that ascertained the need for the project. The success of the New Testament encouraged the need for continuing with the Old Testament.
Rev.Elikana Birole is a translator of Igikuria Project. Here he gives his testimony. He had this to say; ” read the Scriptures in my mother tongue is so nice and sweet due to the level of understanding and I am very much impressed by translating the word of God in my mother tongue it helpsed a lot. I understand better than when I read it in Swahili language. I am very much motivated to continue translating and reading the Bible in my language.
Leadership track record
The Bible Society of Tanzania has good track record after undertaking many projects successfully. The Bible Society has a stable and able leadership that keeps close followup on projects implementation.
The Bible Society also has Translation Manager who keeps close followup on translation projects.
External references
Mennonite Bishop of Musoma Rt Rev. Nyagwegwe gave his encouraging remarks asking the Bible Society to keep with the good job they are doing
Best practices
The Church leaders and the community cooperation with translators is quite motivating and engaging.
The Bible Society involvement creates confidence in the implementation of this project