Chasu First Bible Translation
Project Summary
Scripture & Prayer
The Chasu New Testament (Kiaghano Kishaa, © BFBS) was published in 1954, and was reprinted in 1967 and 1972. The translation project did not continue with the Old Testament due to the lack of funds.
However, since the Vahasu community and churches have repeatedly expressed their desire to have the complete Bible in their language, the Bible Society of Tanzania is currently looking ways to continue the translation work.
Key Verse
Mathew 28:16-20
Prayer points
- Pray for availability of funds
- Pray for translators as they continue with translation of the Old Testament.
- Pray for the Translation consultant as he continue checking books online especially during this time with the COVID 19 Pandemic.

This project is in line with both the Philadelphia promise and the Bible Society of Tanzania strategic plan (2018-2022)
Project Goal
Project goal’s relationship to overall bible society strategy
To translate the Bible in Chasu will support the Church ministry and individual Christians. This is in line with the Strategic Plan of the Bible Society of Tanzania (2018-2022).
The Strategic Plan emphasizes the Bible Society’s responsibility to facilitate Bible translation into languages without the Bible, and to publish and print the same. The aim is to support the spiritual growth of the community by providing the Word of God in the mother tongue.
How this project will help the beneficiaries
The Vahasu community is located in the Mwanga and Same districts in the Kilimanjaro Region, Northern Tanzania. The language spoken by the Vahasu community is Chasu. The estimated number of Chasu speakers is 530,000, of whom 25,000 are estimated to be monolinguals (Ethnologue). It is estimated that 50% of the Vahasu community are Christians, and 50% are Muslims or adhere to the traditional religion.
The need for a translation of the Old Testament and a revision of the New Testament translation was brought to the attention of the Bible Society by the main denominations in the Chasu area.
Non-literate Population
According to the 2012 National Census, the average literacy rate in the Kilimanjaro region is 92% (male 94%, female 90%). If found necessary, the translation of the Chasu Bible will be accompanied by a separate literacy program.
National/Community Context
Though the Chasu language is not used in schools, language use is still vigorous. In the context of the church, there are translations of the hymn book, the liturgy and the catechism, and these are used regularly in church services. This goes to show that there is a high need for the translation of the Scriptures in Chasu.
An additional indication of the language context is that the Chasu Church has constantly requested the Bible Society of Tanzania to provide the community with the Bible in their language.
To have the entire Bible published in Chasu language by the end of 2030 so that it can be used by the Vahasu Church, and can be read by Chasu speakers.

16 Hatibu / 9th Road, Madukani Area.
P.O BOX 175, Dodoma -Tanzania.
+255 (0) 765 530 892