August 28, 2018 / Author: communication
Project Summary
People with visual impairment are stigmatized and discriminated by the community in Tanzania; and therefore their needs are given little attention.
According to the Population and Housing Census 2012; 8% of the population were people with disabilities (PWD’s). There were 150,000 disabled persons in Kagera region, Tanzania. According to the District Social Welfare Officer (DSWO) of Ngara district the number of disabled persons is 3,479 (District database 2017/18). However, according to personal survey that was conducted in May 2018 in five villages in Ngara district which form part of the intended project area, the number of disabled persons was 744 distributed as follows: Ntobeye village 253, Runzenze village 130, Chivu village 43, Kigina village 239 and Rwakalemera village 79.
Disabled persons face a number of challenges related to their disabilities; the main challenges being stigma, discrimination and condemnation. This societal attitude stems from cultural beliefs about disability which is looked at as a curse and misfortune.
In this project the Bible Society of Tanzania intends to address these challenges, through sensitization of the community members in Ngara district so as to change their attitude towards disability as disability is not inability. Also to empower the disabled persons through training and encouraging them to establish and run income generating activities; and for them to know and to demand their basic rights such as interaction with the Word of God and inclusion in societal affairs.
In implementing this project the Bible Society of Tanzania intends to sensitize the community, to train disabled persons on HIV and AIDS as well as equip them with social skills so as to raise their self-esteem and become proactive in the community.
In this project the Bible society of Tanzania shall implement the project in collaboration with the Disabled Persons Organizations (DPOs), potential trainers from different churches and church related organizations, the community leaders and people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA) in the project area. Disable persons organizations will identify beneficiaries, the church will select church representatives for training and carry out decentralized workshops, groups of PLWHA will select their representative for training and the community leaders too will select their representatives for training. The funding partners will provide the required funds for project implementation, and the Bible Society of Tanzania will coordinate, supervise, evaluate, follow up all the project activities during project implementation and write reports; whereas the church and the disabled persons’ organizations will own and sustain the project.
It is expected that at the end of the project the community in the project area will have positive attitude towards disabled persons and therefore there will be reduced stigma, discrimination and condemnation. The society will experience the love of God and all community members will live a fulfilled life regardless of ability or inability.
As Christians we must stand up and let every man, woman and child know that God condemns violence.
Reason for Ranking
Disabled people are stigmatized and discriminated, not respected, recognized and treated in a way that lower their dignity by the community and therefore are not well informed about HIV and AIDS. Due to this community attitude only a few have access to education, health services, equal employment opportunities and little participation in social affairs. In view of the above people with disabilities are the most marginalized and disadvantaged group living in poor environmental conditions.